Finding your way with custom maps on a Garmin GPS

While exploring Vancouver Island in 2018, I was using OpenStreetMap-derived map data converted to the format used in Garmin automotive navigation systems like my trusted Garmin LMT-51.

However, when using the device on some remote backroads of Vancouver Island, I noticed a strange behaviour: it wouldn’t compute a route along those roads. Instead, if it was able to find a route at all, it resulted in a massive detour on the major roads along the not-so-remote parts of the islands. When testing the parameters with OpenStreetMap’s online route finding service, a route was returned using the rural backroads I had originally intended to use.

Have you experienced similar results with OpenStreetMap data and Garmin devices? If so, please let me know in the comments.

When time allows, I will try to debug the device’s software in order to learn what might cause this kind of ‘bug’.